One of the most amazing inventions mankind has ever made is- Computers. Thanks to computers we can now store and process huge amount of information, while our human brains can rest for a while. Since its inception, computers have taken many physical forms. Earlier computers were the size of one large room and consumed huge amount of electricity. With changes and advancement in technology, computers have now shrunk in size. We now have computers the size of a watch!

Classification of Computers
Basically computers can be classified into two main types- Analog and Digital. Analog computers solve problems by constantly changing data. Computers which tell us the temperature, pressure, voltage are Analog computers. Digital computers compute using binary digits (0, 1). They recognize the ‘On’ and ‘Off’ stage. They are easier to maintain and store data than the Analog ones.

Another type of computer is Hybrid computer which is a combination of Digital and Analog.

5 Types of Computers

1. Mainframe Computers

  • These computers are used by large organizations for critical applications and huge data processing. These are mostly used by the government and large scale businesses. They are kept in climate controlled rooms and have multiple operating systems.

2. Super Computers

  • The highly calculative and extremely intensive tasks are handled by super computers. They are capable to process trillions of calculations per second. They have the best memory capacity among all computers. They are used for weather forecasts, quantum physics, space programs etc where trillions of data is calculated and stored.

3. Mini Computers

  • Mini computers were very popular during 1970-1980. They were used widely by medium and small scale businesses like school offices. They were called the third generation computers and took up the space that a refrigerator would take and were useful for storing small amount of data.

4. Personal Computers

  • With changes in technology and companies like IBM and Apple making entries, computers became personal and people kept desktops and laptops for their personal use. Such computers are used for personal works, used in offices and schools for learning process.

5. Professional Workstations

  • With the popularity of personal computers, professional workstations are becoming less necessary. These needed more power than a PC and were lower in cost. They are still used by scientists, graphic artists, architects etc.

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